Professor Gerhard Andersson, Ph.D. is full professor of Clinical Psychology at Linköping University (appointed 2003), in the Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, and the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences.
Professor Andersson received his education at Uppsala University, Department of Psychology, and graduated in 1991 (M.Sc. Clinical Psychology). His first Ph.D. was in Clinical Psychology (1995), and his second Ph.D. was in Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology (2000). He did his post-doc at the Department of Psychology, University College, London (1996-1997), working with patients with dizziness and imbalance. In 2010 he completed a B.A. in Theology and 2024 an M.A. in Theology. He has been guest professor and now affiliated researcher at Karolinska Institutet in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Psychiatry from 2007 and ownwards. Since 2021 he is affiliated professor at Universidade Lusófona, Lissabon, Portugal. From 2025 he is also guest professor at Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden.
During his whole career Andersson has worked part-time with patients, mainly in audiology but for a period also in psychiatry. He has a part-time position as clinical psychologist at the Hearing Clinic, Linköping University Hospital, as a member of the Tinnitus team.
Dr Andersson is trained as a CBT therapist and has a license and graduate diploma as a psychotherapist (2005). He has also completed teaching and supervision training in cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy (2016).
Professor Andersson has published over 900 research papers, 80 chapters and 20 books.
His present h-index is 122 (Scopus; Web of science 108). Andersson has been on the list of highly cited researchers between 2016 to 2024. He is also on listed as the highest cited psychology researcher in Sweden.
News on twitter (profGerhardA) and on Instagram.
Photo by Denise Granat